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Meditation and Modern Buddhism for everyone in Charlotte

Located in Charlotte, NC, our modern meditation center is a place of refuge for everyone. We teach how to develop peaceful, positive states of mind, through meditation and developing special ways of thinking. With a peaceful mind you can let go of negativity, grow your compassion and wisdom, and naturally be of greatest benefit your family, friends and the world. 

Modern Kadampa Buddhism
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Times

Our teachings trace from an unbroken lineage to the founder of Buddhism, Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddhist master Atisha founded Kadampa Buddhism in the 11th Century. The teachings were then passed in a succession of realized masters to our current founder Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. He created an international Kadampa Buddhist Union of over 1000 Centers and branches that perfectly present the meaning of Buddha's teachings for the people of the modern world. These teachings are relevant for everyone, Buddhist and non-Buddhist in order to solve our inner problems and establish lasting inner peace and happiness. 

"Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible."

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

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A living spiritual community
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Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203

(980) 224-0129 /

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Our center is run primarily by volunteers and all activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

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