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Weekly Meditation Classes in Charlotte

The meditation classes we offer are suitable for anyone, whatever their level of interest, from those who seek simple relaxation and stress relief, to those who wish to learn about modern Buddhism. We offer a variety of weekly drop-in meditation classes in Charlotte. 

Meditation in Charlotte
Sunday Mornings
Introduction to Modern Buddhism
10am - 11:15am
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Wednesday Evenings
Dealing with Difficult Emotions
6:30pm - 7:45pm
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Friday Afternoons
Introduction to the Path to Enlightenment
12pm - 1pm

Why meditate?


The purpose of meditation is to cultivate positive states of mind, conducive to peace and well-being, and overcome negative habits of mind. Happiness is a state of mind; therefore, the real source of happiness lies in the mind, not in external situations. When our mind is peaceful, we are free from worries and mental discomfort, and we experience true happiness.


“If we want to experience true, lasting happiness, we need to learn the secret of inner peace by meditating.” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

The benefits:


Stress Reduction
The classes will allow you to unwind your mind and return home relaxed and refreshed.
They will provide you with new tools for dealing with stress and anxiety.


Inner Calm
If we practice meditation we will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind. Daily challenges will be easier to deal with and many of our usual problems will fall away.


Problem-solving Solutions
Meditation helps us gain clarity and perspective so that we can develop a positive outlook on life, gain authentic self-confidence and enjoy better relationships with others.

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Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203

(980) 224-0129 /

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Our center is run primarily by volunteers and all activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

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